About Me
Connected and Communicating

Today, we are more connected than ever before. People around the world can text each other and communicate within a second's notice. You can call your friends from Spain or text your family from England. Many phone services won't even charge you an international fee, and if they do, it's so much more reasonable than it used to be. All in all, phone services have done a great job of adapting to their clients' growing needs for global communication. They've amended their plans and begun to offer new plans. We'll discuss this innovation, along with other topics related to phone service, here on our blog.


4 Steps To Obtaining A Business Phone System That Will Suit Your Company’s Needs

1 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Businesses must be able to communicate with suppliers, peers, and clients. In order to do that, having a reliable phone service is a necessity. A business phone system can meet all of your business communication needs, no matter the size of your company. Here are some steps you can follow to obtain a business phone system that will suit your company's needs best: 1. Decide what type of phone system you require Read More …

Why A Professional Installation Of A Business VoIP System Is Important

28 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have decided that you need to upgrade to a business VoIP system, you will want to make sure that you are hiring a professional to conduct the installation. This is not something that you want to attempt to run on your own, even if you really want to try to save money. Here are some of the reasons why you want a professional installation: They Can Do The Installation With Ease Read More …

Why Your Towing Service Should Make Use Of A 24-Hour Phone Answering Service

10 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you run a towing service and have not already hired a 24-hour phone answering service to help with some or all of your phone calls, consider using one of these companies for the following reasons and more. Give Yourself and Your Employees a Break You might work hard to help your customers with tows when they need them, and you might have hardworking employees that help, too. However, you can avoid the stress of you and all of your employees having to handle all of the calls that your towing company gets if you simply use a 24-hour phone answering service. Read More …

Useful Cabling Services For Companies

3 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Cabling is something that needs to be looked at closely for your company as it ties into a lot of technical computer equipment. Here are a couple of cabling services that can help you deal with this aspect of your company so that it doesn't affect operations. Future Growth Planning The cabling that is in your building now may be just fine, but if you grow and your operations shift, this cabling might not perform like it needs to. Read More …

Using Thermal Cameras To Secure Your Property

11 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Installing security cameras can be one of the most effective steps that you can take to improve the overall safety and security of your building. However, there are many different types of security cameras, and this can lead to there being some confusion about the options that can be best for your building.   Myth: All Security Cameras Will Require Lights A common assumption about security cameras is that they will need bright lights in the area to be effective. Read More …